
A Broken Tear

Copyright, Jennarose

She sees what the world is for
She loves him with life
A tear breaks her
And with his words he kills her

She is afraid
That her pains won t bleed fast enough
She is awaiting the arrival
When a tear will break her

She knows all the memories
She is reminded with every breath
When today can t end fast enough
She hopes for an ending

When she gets to a place
Where she will be loved
Where she will be strong
Where the blood is endless

A tear will break her now
For at the beginning
Just one tear was enough
But now not one tear
Could ever be enough

The world now tries to see her
She tried to see herself
But the blood stained skin
Will never look the same

Her last tear was cried today
Her last attempt to try
To make them see
Why one tear will break her
Why a crimson tear will sever her
They try to see her tears
But they have all bled away
She bled away
Today was that day
When one tear had broken her


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