Cadet Williamson
A Soul Under the Blade
Copyright, Cadet Williamson
Blood Flows
I'm Bored & depressed, while I'm Laying here, I see the blade, I Open it. The temptation tO cut is too much It's warm, it invites me to open it. Dropping it to my skin,
I run it Forwards and backwards bLood flows from underneath the blade. Taking the blade away frOm my skin, I see the Wound, and I think 'That'll become a Scar', and still the blood flows.
My wounds Hurt, i long to feel the pain thoUgh. The only consTant in my life is the pain. Everything swIrls around me It's all out of controL. All except the pAin. I Try so hard to make ThIngs make SOme amount of sense. but Nothing does!
I Cut to Feel
Their laughter It rolls across the field,
it Chills me no one Understands me. The blade is there in my pocket
It's warm, it invites me To open it. My callOussed feelings I hate,
To throw them away From me, I run the blade Across my arm longing to fEel something the coldnEss of my heart I long to get rid of someone heLp me!
Pain is Joy
People are Always Insulting me No one is
carIng So I
Jab, poke, & open my skin. Relief flOods in, as the blood flows out Ahh joY!
Thin Hot wEt
Blood Laces Across my BoDy ForEver I am dying!!
My Soul Dies
Every Minute that passes signals another piece of mY heart that
dieS! Every persOn that hurts me is marked by another cUt, another lost piece of souL and heart.
Why Does no one care, Why do they have to Insult me? What fun do thEy get out of it that makes it worth murdering someone? Don't they See me dying here alone.
Forever Dying
Forever my death approaches AprOaching but never ending I'm always Running from it but I nEver can get away from it. NeVer able to get away from the blade. So instEad i embrace it, YeaRning for it's cold touch.
The colD touch rejuvenates me & wakes me. No longer do i run awaY from the blade Instead i embrace it, But still Now i am forever DyinG.