I’m Fifi, a 21 year old girl. I got some pictures of my SI. Usually I cut myself with a razor. Sometimes I damage my bloodvessels intentionally with injection needles. Sometimes I punch myself or throw myself against the wall.
I still don’t know why I started SI, probably because I’m not satisfied with myself and life. I’m diagnosed with a therapy resistent panic disorder with agoraphobia. My therapist also says I have a personality disorder. People do not understand me when I tell them about my SI or when they find out about my scars. I’m really afraid someone will discover my scars, so lately I only use needles (they do not make the scars razor blades make). I hope I will wake up some day without scars and without the need to hurt myself.
I got a question for all the visitors of this website: are you all aware of what you are doing? I mean… do you notice when you are hurting yourself or do you wake up on a morning with blood all around? I am aware of my SI and I do it intentionally, with full consciousness.
Good luck to everybody! I hope we will stay alive.