Links to international (i.e. non-english) pages. If you know of any pages not listed here, please let me know.
Eine Betroffene
Hannah tells about her experience with self injury.
Selbstverletzendes Verhalten
Hannah’s father has a comprehensive list of books and articles.
- Selbst Verletzendes Verhalten - Has tips on how to stop and information for medical professionals.
- Automutilatie - Links to self injury sites in Dutch, German and English.
- Blauwe Dagen - Information on depression, self injury, borderline and dissociation. Also has a forum.
Rote Tränen
Addresses for self injury clinics. Personal stories and lots of other interesting content. The people behind this site are currently working on a book.
Versteckte Scham
The most comprehensive German site I have come across. Has good descriptions of the what, why and who of self-injury.
- Rote Linien - Personal stories and links.
- Seelentot - Has descriptions of self injury, borderline and eating disorders.
- Deadly Scars - Self injury site in spanish.
- Självskadande beteende - Comprehensive site on self injury.