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Poems G to I
Glorious Crimson
Copyright, Morticia
I feel the cold steel biting,
Against my virgin arm,
Pain fades as quickly
As my sanity...
Igniting a sensation,
Never felt before to-night,
Alone in blackened sorrows,
Your only friends are your
Silent cries...
Glorious crimson,
Escaping from its cage,
Holy and Red,
Never meant to flee from a
Beautiful girl like me...
To soul's end, I bleed to feel,
And soon, what I am will be
Who I've been...
It Calls to Me
Copyright, Natasha
It calls to me
Beckons me to bleed
The deeper the better
All the more blood
Cuts getting deeper
As life seems harder
One quick slash
Deep bleeding gash
Feel the pain
Remember you are real
Still alive
The blood proves it
Utility knives
Sharp truths waiting to be told
More blood wanting
I Don't Know Why
Copyright, Mike
I don't know why
I wanted to die,
Perhaps I heard
A whispered lie.
The devil said
Come over here,
Have secrets, I ,
Lend me your ear.
A louder Voice
I began to hear.
A Voice that broke
The chains of Fear.
The devil frowned
As I awoke.
His voice was stilled,
No more he spoke.