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Copyright, Melissa

Cuts run shallow, cuts run deep, cuts release blood, and make others weep, cuts can be hidden, or right out there, on someone's hand, u never know where, cuts help with pain, though in not the best way, cuts help deal with the daily strain, and sometimes dont fade away, cut yourself with razors, a knife will do, shatter some glass, use a sharp nail or two, I've tried them all, I've burnt myself too, sometimes I do it to see if im real, to see if it hurts, or to help me deal, after a few times I get addicted you see, I have to fight those urges in me, the urge to cut, the urge to burn, the urge to cause so much hurt that I yearn, you may think I'm crazy, or clinically insane, but I'll do it again, I'm addicted to pain.