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Copyright, Cat

running away
what from
remains yet
to become

the fear
the pain
driving me

i seem
alone, i
have bean

hurting greatly inside
where it counts, alot
ignoring the feelings
i would like to forget

in the forest
so deep
where the tears
begin to seep

all alone
hiding from the
unknown that is
what i seem to be

different to them
hurt by them
where am i going
where have i been

the language they use
to hurt me so bad
theyll never understand
what it is to be sad

alone in this world
hurt and torn apart
no one shall ever rest
in my bleeding heart

whatever you will call it
it still causes all the harm
creating all my pain
bleeding from the arm

they think its a joke
they laugh at the pain
i cant wait till they
find out its not a game

surviving isnt easy
when the whole world
is aganist you
its a mean world

standing on my own
fending for myself
my last saving grace
is help from someone else