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Untitled Poems

All poems in this section were sent to me without titles. They are presented here, ordered by the author's name.



Anything sharp I can find
The pain I don't really mind
Cutting a smooth straight line
Blood and tears combine
Thing red line on my wrist
It's just to much to resist
Blaming each cut on something wrong
These feelings are just to strong
Why do I feel that this will make it better?
So far as to writing a suicide letter
Everything is just to hard to explain
Can you help stop the pin?
I've given up in the game of life
Ending it all, with this simple knife...


Copyright, Jacqueline

I hate you
You stupid bastard
You took my best friend
Now it's me you're trying to end
I mustn't give in
I won't let you win, again
Somebody stop the pain
I'm sick of this offing game
Knowing it's her fault
Knowing it's my fault
Self-righteous suicide my ass
This sickness will pass
In do time
My mind will find
I'll be able to distinguish the lines
Between empty and full
The past is still there
I can see her holding the blade
Thinking no one will ever remember this day
But in reality it stays
Staining my once blue eyes with red
Of my friend wanting to be dead
And after all this
I still want to diminish
Letting you finish
Skip back two lines cross that out
I just wanted to wander through her shouts
The shadow of her laughter haunts me
Another pays a fee
As I am drowning in the suicide's victims sea