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Copyright, Emily

I Wish...

I wish people would stop staring at my cuts and scars.
I wish people would see for the person I am, not for the way I treat myself.
I wish I could live a care-free life.
I wish people could understand my feelings.
I wish the bleeding would never stop.
I wish the feelings inside of me would just go away.
I wish that everyone would leave me alone.
I wish... I wish I could just drop DEAD!

I Dream For...

I dream for all my dreams to be of happiness.
I dream for peoplr to understand me.
I dream for people to stop staring at my cuts.
I dream for all my problems to dissapear.
I dream to go to sleep smiling.
i dream to wake up happy.
I dream to be happy.
I dream to... to die.


Razors cutting deep into my skin,
Blood dripping down my arm,
The feeling, Oh the feeling!

If only this feeling would last forever,
I could be a happy person,
If I could cut every minute of every day,
I could live my life being satisfied.

The knife digging deep into my arm,
The blood oozing out of my body,
The pain, Oh the wonderful pain!

If this pain could only last forever,
oh, how I would be happy,
Just to feel this pain,
What a life I could lead feeling this pain every minute of the day.

Man oh man, if I could only cut every minute of every day,
I could have a happy life,
Only if I could every second of every day of my life.

My Only Wishes

I wish to be happy,
I wish to go to sleep and never wake up,
I wish to go to school with a real smile on my face,
I wish life was care-free.

I wish people would stop staring at my cuts,
I wish would stop whispering everytime I walk into a room,
I wish people would try to understand my feelings,
I wish people would just leave me alone!

Why can't they try to understand my feelings,
Why can't they stop looking at me as if I were crazy.

People say I'm crazy,
People say I'm immature,
People say I'm stupid.

They just don't understand.

I wish my life was easier,
I wish I could... could DIE!


razors driving deep into my skin,
blood dripping down my arm,
Cuts, Cuts,Cuts, all over my body.

knives digging deep into my unscrarred leg,
the blood oozing out of the cut,
unscarred becomes scared and no pain becomes pain.

cuts everywhere on my body,
hudrends of scares, hudrends of scabs,
cuts like cat schraches, cuts like razor burns,
cuts bleeding, cuts healing,cuts everywhere.

these cuts are who i am,
they are what keeps me alive,
these cuts give me feeling,
they make me feel alive and real,
the cuts explain who i am withuot me saying one word.