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Copyright, Cassie
I really don't remember the first time I Self-harmed, it's been so long. I started when i was about 9 years old, I'm 16 now. I do remember using shaving razors to being with, and after trying several different things I found that striaght razors worked better. In the begining the cut were small and shallow and barely even left scars. They soon got bigger and deeper. Some have even needed stiches, but I was to scared to go to the hospital and I tried to sticht them myself.
My secret was discovered by my mother once, but she didn't have the nerve to addmit there was a problem. She made me go see a counciler, but after three visits I refused to go back and she(my mother) dropped it. I do have a few close friends that know about my self-harm and always try to be there for me.
I have tried to stopped but I always fail. I always give into the feeling that even if I do stop it won't make a difference.