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Beyond the Butterfly
You can view this video in its entirety at the Beyond the Butterfly site.
Program addresses struggle with self-mutilation
There is a small video clip attached to the CNN story Program addresses struggle with self-mutilation.
Why Patients Harm Themselves
This video, featuring Dr. Armando Favazza, is available for download from The University of Arizona Health Sciences Center. You can use a tool like Streambox VCR to save the RealMedia files to your harddisk (the 4 video files are about 6 MB each).
Videos to Buy
Between the Lines
Sophie Constantinou
"A visually lyrical, experimental documentary about women who cut themselves, this film explores the gray areas in women's relationships to their bodies in the context of deliberately self-inflicted injury. The women in Between the Lines negotiate the fine line between self-destructive behavior and self-preserving coping mechanisms."
Visit the homepage of Sophie's company.
Beyond the Butterfly
Wisconsin Public Television (WPT)
"The development of girls into young women has been likened by some to the transformation that takes place in the creation of a butterfly. Beyond the Butterfly, a 60-minute documentary, [...] allows middle-school girls to speak for themselves candidly reveal what's going on in their lives."
Beyond the Butterfly homepage (self injury section).
Visible Memories
"The issue of self injury is surrounded by stigma and misunderstanding. Such behaviour is often labelled as attention seeking or, mistakenly, as attempted suicide. This video allows people who self harm to describe their experiences. It also shows examples of good practice."
"Can You See My Pain? powerfully explores the topic of self-injury. Nearly 3 million people in the United States are currently estimated to self-injure. As a disorder that is just beginning to come to light, it engenders confusion and mixed responses, even among professionals, as people struggle to identify the causes and treatment strategies for self-injury.
Buy from Northeastern Wisconsin In-School Telecommunications
Self Injury Videos from Cavalcade Productions
Self Injury I: Genesis, Forms, and Functions
"David Calof, John Briere, and Dusty Miller discuss the roots of self injury in trauma, especially childhood sexual abuse. They point out that self harm takes many forms, including cutting, burning, passive collusion, accidents, and eating disorders. Whatever the modality, the key factor in successful intervention is to discover the motivations behind these adaptive responses to trauma, which may include tension reduction, trauma reenactment, punishment, and rage expression."
Buy from Cavalcade Productions
Self Injury II: Clinical Issues and Interventions
"Treatment for self injury may raise a number of significant issues for the therapist, such as countertransference, suicidality vs. self injury, and differentiating between borderline personality disorder, psychosis, and dissociation. Suggested interventions may include defusing shame, suggesting alternative behaviors, and utilizing hospitalization, trauma containers, and guided imagery."
Buy from Cavalcade Productions
Understanding Self Injury
"Condensed from the two training videos, this program discusses the forms and functions of self injury, and includes interviews with trauma survivors who have found alternatives to self harm. Survivors should view the program with appropriate support."
Buy from Cavalcade Productions Buy from Sidran Institute
Self-Injury: From Suffering to Solutions
This video is offered by the S.A.F.E. Alternatives® program.