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Bodily Harm : The Breakthrough Healing Program for Self-Injurers
Karen Conterio and Wendy Lader with Jennifer Kingson Bloom
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From the Cover
Self-injury is one of our society's fastest-growing and most disturbing epidemics. Experts estimate that more than three million Americans are afflicted with this syndrome, which compels people to mutilate their own skin or break their own bones. Due to society's reaction to it, self-abuse is a widely misunderstood and dangerously mistreated psychiatric disorder.
Bodily Harm is the most authoritative exmination of this alarming syndrome and the first to offer a comprehensive treatment regimen. Written by the directors of S.A.F.E. Alternatives (Self Abuse Finally Ends), it clearly defines what cutting is and explains the kinds of emotional trauma that can lead to self-mutilation. It also includes case studies, diaries, and success stories from a diverse group of patients. Most importantly, Bodily Harm offers a course of treatment based on years of experience and extensive clinical research - as well as compassion, advice and hope for the afflicted and their loved ones. In this book, you'll find:
- How to distinguish something relatively harmless from a serious disorder, with a diagnostic questionnaire to help.
- Why women account for the majority of self-injurers.
- What motivates self-injury and why it has grown so rapidly.
- How therapists, families and friends can help.