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Tech Stuff

Everything you always wanted to know about the technology behind (but were afraid to ask).

Standards compliance

To the best of my knowledge, all pages in this site validate as XHTML 1.0 Strict.

Valid XHTML 1.0   Valid CSS


I use PerlFect Search to provide search engine functionality on

It is open source, free and very easy to set up.

If, like me, you don't like the default search highlighting method (words in ignored parts of the page get higlighted too), you can use my changes: search.diff (diff against v1.79).

PerlFect Search


The Forum runs phpBB. It is a bit fiddly to get the look of it just right, but it makes up for this by being very easy to install and run.


Other tools

To manage the site, I use a collection of homemade tools. They are all written in Perl, and can be downloaded by following the links below.

All scripts are published under the GNU General Public License. (1.0.2)
The script that generates the site from source content and a set of templates. Makes it very easy to maintain structured sites like (1.0.0)
Generates the top ten lists in the link section. To use this tool, you need to download the Google Web Api developer's kit and obtain a Google license key. (1.0.0)
I used this script to convert the data from the old WebBBS-based forums to static html pages for the archive. Uses templates to generate output.